Mensa Japan was founded by Richard C. Fisher (a US citizen) in 1970; he served as the group's chairman until 1980. Their first meeting was held in January19 70. The group was recognized as "permanent" in November 1970. It obtained full membership status in May 1980, but was reduced to provisional status a couple of years later. The group published a regular newsletter through most of the 1970's and 1980's. Recognition was withdrawn in mid-1992, following its failure to file reports and otherwise comply with Mensa International's requirements for continued recognition. "A derecognized national Mensa shall cease to have the right to use the word "Mensa" in its own designation and its activities and shall cease to have any rights under this Constitution. As of March 1996, Japan was again listed, as an "Emerging Mensa," after re-founding by Dr. Manny Sultan..."
(Above) *Past Coordinators of the current and only Official Mensa group in Japan, "Mensans in Japan" (MIJ).